Posts Tagged ‘ssl certificates’
Boost your internal PKI/Microsoft CA security with FREE green Extended Validation SSL in 15 minutes or close your eyes until 2016!
One of the new CAB Forum baseline requirements is that all SSL certificate issuers are to stop issuing SSL certificates with internal host names and IP addresses. Currently it is possible to get internal host names in public certificates until 2016, but after 1. July it will be shortened to 2015. But keep reading and you will remove this threat today, instead of waiting to 2015-2016.
Normal usage of SSL certificates
Most companies with a medium to large infrastructure, use an internal PKI solution like Microsoft Certification Authority for identity and encryption on internal workstations and accounts. They will also use internal CA to issue certificates for server systems that are only accessed by internal computers where Root CA trust can be controlled automatically thru GPO or similar.
But external facing websites and server systems use public external CA issued SSL certificates, to ensure trust by all units including mobile units and external computers.
(did you see the padlock in the above image?)
Example of attack
It makes sense to prevent easy attacks on the identity part of SSL security for internal systems. Any internal website would be easy to replace with a fake site or do a man in the middle attack with a real external publically trusted SSL certificate that includes the internal host names. Example: an internal password management portal on The intruder gets a certificate issued to including a SAN name “”. It would be easy for the intruder to setup a fake website to harvest passwords with a real SSL certificate that all clients would trust equally to their internally issued SSL certificate on the existing system. Clients would see the padlock with no visible changes. Read the rest of this entry »
Why you can no longer just have one SSL certificate with all the servernames included.
Internal server names in publically recognized SSL certificates are about to become just as extinct as Sharks in Chinese waters.
The CA / Browser forum has decided to implement changes to SSL requirements, that will phase out all use of internal server names in public SSL certificates. The CA / Browser forum includes all the major certificate authorities and browser developers, so the change will be forced upon everyone.
The negative impact
It especially hits small to medium businesses with just a few servers. I.e. Exchange, Lync and Small Business Server, where a single SAN certificate including both public and internal server names, will save them both time and resources otherwise needed for reconfiguration, internal PKI solutions and/or reverse proxy and similar systems to allow usage of a separate internal and external SSL certificate on a single website/service.
Exchange 2010 will by default use a single website and configure it self to use its internal FQDN i.e. exchangeserver01.fairssl.local and external FQDN i.e. for this one website/SSL certificate. The change will require a change in configuration or systems surrounding the Exchange 2010 environment to continue working without both names in one SSL certificate.
SBS 2011 on the other hand has received the functionality to use split DNS to use the external server name both internally and externally, this not much mentioned change may have something to do with Microsoft being on the CA / Browser forum board, so they would have known about this change for a while.
Larger companies typically have more resources and will have an easier time separating internal and external SSL certificates, without having to buy new solutions like Forefront TMG, SSL offloaders, Internal PKI, etc. But my guess is still that a large number of them will still need to change some configuration to avoid problems with internal server names.
The reasoning behind this phase out is to secure against Man-in-The-Middle (MTM) attacks, where it is possible to pretend to be an internal server via a publicly recognized SSL certificate. Even thou it is a highly unlikely way to attack most systems, the theoretical possibility is enough to spark the change. I just wish they had been a little more giving on the deadlines.
My personal recommendation to my customers with SSL certificates containing internal server names Read the rest of this entry »
The difficulties of installing an SSL certificate on a ZyXEL ZyWall USG 300 firewall (if even possible!)
Having spent some time trying to install an SSL certificate from a trusted certification authority on this product, I felt I should share my findings as they might save someone else the headaches and time I had to spend on this.
For reference I used a ZyXEL ZyWall USG 300 with Firmware version: 2.20(AOE.6) / 1.11 / 2011-10-05 11:51:34
I assume this information is the same for pretty much all versions of ZyWall products, but I can not confirm this from own testing as I only had access to one edition.
About Intermediate SSL certificates
All certificates today that want to enjoy the WebTrust approval must use intermediate issuing certificate authorities, this means that a root certificate is no longer allowed to directly issue server certificates for customers. This makes good sense security wise, as it is much harder for a hacker to gain access over the root certificate when it is not online and in case of a compromise, it should be sufficient to close the intermediate, without having to “remove/uninstall” the root from every client in the world.
So most professional products around that uses SSL certificates must be able to install both a server certificate and the intermediate issuing certificate, because the client only knows the root certificate, it needs the server to give it both.
Installing SSL certificates on ZyXEL ZyWall USG 300 (the good part)
Go into Configuration -> Object -> Certificate
Some things to have in mind when installing Read the rest of this entry »
How to get external SAN UC SSL certificates that work with OCS 2007 R2 and avoid having to read 100 blog posts!
Been reading up on external and internal DNS names used by OCS 2007 R2 ? Your head stopped spinning yet? So you’ve decided on what FQDN’s to use, next step order some SSL certificates, should be easy enough right, You allready figured out You need SLL certificates that are Unified Communications Certificates (UCC) enabled. In my example I will use GlobalSign Domain Validated SAN’s, if I needed multiple domains for example for and, I would choose GlobalSign Organisation Validated SAN’s instead.
For a GlobalSign SSL certificate to be UCC enabled, it must use SAN domains, no other way of enabling it. So no point in spending lots of budget on seperate SSL certificates for each service. SAN Subdomains are also quite alot cheaper than buying seperate SSL certificates.
One of the tricky parts of Office Communications Server 2007 R2 and SSL certificates, is that You can not use one single SAN SSL for all services, if You intend to use port 443 for all services!
Why would we only use port 443 ? Read the rest of this entry »
Getting root certificates into your Windows Mobile without using a chain saw
Getting SSL root certificates into mobile phones, has always and still is a hastle. My personal advice to people trying to use a server certificate on mobile phones, for example for e-mail, is very simple. But before I go more into that.. The reason I came on to this subject, was because a friend asked me if I knew of an easy way to put your own root certificates into mobile phones. I didnt when he asked, but I just found a nice guide explaining how to, for Windows Mobile phones – yes each type needs it’s own way of installing – sigh.
The guide can be found on two Swedish IT consultants Blog (Yes I am swedish – No it’s not me), I find it worrying how many posts include stuff I work with as well, including some info about my beloved WRT54GL that I am pondering swapping with something faster soon. The blog post about how to install Root SSL certificates on Windows Mobiles, with a CAB setup file, and a simple XML format can be found here:
Back to my personal advice on how to get root certificates on mobile phones. Read the rest of this entry »