Posts Tagged ‘intermediate certificate’
The difficulties of installing an SSL certificate on a ZyXEL ZyWall USG 300 firewall (if even possible!)
Having spent some time trying to install an SSL certificate from a trusted certification authority on this product, I felt I should share my findings as they might save someone else the headaches and time I had to spend on this.
For reference I used a ZyXEL ZyWall USG 300 with Firmware version: 2.20(AOE.6) / 1.11 / 2011-10-05 11:51:34
I assume this information is the same for pretty much all versions of ZyWall products, but I can not confirm this from own testing as I only had access to one edition.
About Intermediate SSL certificates
All certificates today that want to enjoy the WebTrust approval must use intermediate issuing certificate authorities, this means that a root certificate is no longer allowed to directly issue server certificates for customers. This makes good sense security wise, as it is much harder for a hacker to gain access over the root certificate when it is not online and in case of a compromise, it should be sufficient to close the intermediate, without having to “remove/uninstall” the root from every client in the world.
So most professional products around that uses SSL certificates must be able to install both a server certificate and the intermediate issuing certificate, because the client only knows the root certificate, it needs the server to give it both.
Installing SSL certificates on ZyXEL ZyWall USG 300 (the good part)
Go into Configuration -> Object -> Certificate
Some things to have in mind when installing Read the rest of this entry »