Posts Tagged ‘unified communications’

How to get external SAN UC SSL certificates that work with OCS 2007 R2 and avoid having to read 100 blog posts!

Been reading up on external and internal DNS names used by OCS 2007 R2 ? Your head stopped spinning yet? So you’ve decided on what FQDN’s to use, next step order some SSL certificates, should be easy enough right, You allready figured out You need SLL certificates that are Unified Communications Certificates (UCC) enabled. In my example I will use GlobalSign Domain Validated SAN’s, if I needed multiple domains for example for and, I would choose GlobalSign Organisation Validated SAN’s instead.

For a GlobalSign SSL certificate to be UCC enabled, it must use SAN domains, no other way of enabling it. So no point in spending lots of budget on seperate SSL certificates for each service. SAN Subdomains are also quite alot cheaper than buying seperate SSL certificates.

One of the tricky parts of Office Communications Server 2007 R2 and SSL certificates, is that You can not use one single SAN SSL for all services, if You intend to use port 443 for all services!

Why would we only use port 443 ? Read the rest of this entry »