Posts Tagged ‘Migration’
VBScript to automatically remove a Novell client and save your feet
Adding to my remote Novell migration and removal toolkit, is here below a VBScript that can be used during a migration or as a login script to automatically remove the Novell client from a computer. Of course I dont know if this will work with all versions, but for me this worked to remove Novell in all the editions I encounted, without any tears or use of my feet. The downside of not having to uninstall the Novell client manually from all 2.500 computers, in this migration project is that I seem to be gaining in weight!
It goes without saying, the user used for running the script must have administrative rights, the computer definately wants to be rebooted when done, also I recommend removing any novell printers, shares, iPrint, ZenWorks, etc. before removing the actual Novell Client. And You most definately use this script at your own risk!
VBScript to remove network printers, when RemovePrinterConnection fails and still have time for popcorn and a movie
For the last couple of months, and some months ahead, I am working primarely on migration projects, currently I have just finished developing a lot of scripts to automatically migrate from Novell & ZenWorks to a purely Microsoft environment. So I might share some tips and tricks from my experiences.
Trying to uninstall Novell printers automatically with VBScripting in a login script gave me a headache, for some reason the good old function WshNetwork.RemovePrinterConnection would fail every time trying to uninstall a Novell printer. After some searching and testing I found that by executing a command to RUNDLL32 PRINTUI.DLL,PrintUIEntry, I could successfully uninstall the printers. My personal experience shows no warnings or errors to the user, as long as the computer can still access Novell, however I did have some warning messages appear when the computer could not connect, but the printer was still deleted, and the user could not abort it, so in my book thats a success!
Also i found some examples removing the printers with /dn instead of the /dl that I am using Read the rest of this entry »
How to use OWA for both Exchange 2003/2007 during migration and extra things to consider
A customer asked me if it was possible during migration from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007 to use Outlook Web Access for both mailbox servers, during the migration period. Medium sized companies are not able to migrate everything during a big bang migration, and needs access to both the old system and the new internally as well as externally i.e. using OWA during the migration.
Exchange 2007 has been designed with the CAS role serving the OWA website and it has been designed to work with both Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2003 mailbox servers, so out of the box it will support the customers wishes. In this case they had asked another company to make the design plans for the migration but the system administrator felt uneasy with the plan and asked me to have a look at it.
It turned out the design did not allow OWA access to both mailbox servers during the migration, due to a small oversight, an easy one to make and even easier to fix. If You are planning to or in the progress of migrating to Exchange 2007, make sure you read the following things to consider!