Posts Tagged ‘PreAgentPkg’

How to silently install ZenWorks 10 with vbScript without having to watch the screen during installation

So You want to install ZenWorks 10.x.x.x silently on a machine, sounds easy enough right?

Well ZenWorks is making it slightly harder, if You just run the installer with a stay quiet parameter, when it finishes and You or the installer reboots, it was not actually finished. After the installation ZenWorks sits and runs msi packets that needs to install as well, so even thou the installer exited and says all done, another thread from ZenWorks is still working.

I used the following script to install ZenWorks 10 without showing it to the user, and then monitor the little thread doing the other installs, when that was finished I continue to do whatever it is I want to do, in my case tell the user I am rebooting their machine and reboot, but thats entirely up to You. Read the rest of this entry »