' You may use this script and parts of it as you please, all that I ask is that you give a small thank you note on my blog www.sole.dk ' Enjoy and use at own risk! On Error Resume Next ' We dont like users finding out we cant program! Const HKLM=&H80000002 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Set objReg=GetObject("winmgmts:!root/default:StdRegProv") ' Registry access Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ' used For executing a command line command ' I would like to know what version of ZenWorks this is, only to find out if i uninstalled it successfully. ' You may remove this if you dont care SubKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" ValueName = "DisplayVersion" ' This is all the GUID's I have found so far that is related to ZenWorks ' if you find a version, that is not in here, go to the location in registry you see in SubKey ' Go thru each GUID and find the one with ZenWorks, and add it below ' Also do write a comment with the GUID and version you found on www.sole.dk ! GUIDArray = Array(_ "{076EF7C2-6F61-4753-BFC1-796E04C49CF7}",_ "{15A3C0D8-3D81-4CF6-8797-E27BDE5F8573}",_ "{166763F3-BAEB-433A-A834-1FD86E19B55D}",_ "{1717FEDC-6D5A-44B7-AB98-814834F0E695}",_ "{17C573A8-D916-4166-81A6-7C5C608919CA}",_ "{1AEEA8FF-AFF1-4BE6-A9DE-A2F10F69BA4E}",_ "{1BE23A18-1B51-4F59-8326-33CA5F1294F4}",_ "{1CA2B9F5-835B-46C2-8961-D52C96C613B7}",_ "{1CE5F3D4-CF76-453E-BDF7-98DFD2588B67}",_ "{27AAD3D9-92BA-459F-9A81-0B9DB195F801}",_ "{2CB10E96-23CD-4AE2-A7C4-9CF75463C174}",_ "{2FE4A854-6739-45B9-AF0B-270AA25215F4}",_ "{364DA896-84B4-4887-95AA-5A2953234217}",_ "{3C6849B6-1953-4DAF-9A8B-783FB72F3CBB}",_ "{446A6549-46F8-48C1-ABDE-564A91819F2C}",_ "{4CD57A44-0FE0-44B5-AC1A-BDE5490FEA6F}",_ "{4DF669B8-5B56-4174-AFDE-BE7DA0662850}",_ "{59227974-8DF9-4422-943A-C9740BE21D22}",_ "{595716AC-C66E-4278-AC38-E0541DAA3621}",_ "{5E2C544D-539F-412D-BE71-0EBC7083841C}",_ "{5FCDC863-72E2-4C1A-86B2-593018307B1C}",_ "{6034D614-E53F-46F2-B0BC-280222D569C2}",_ "{79EE919C-7A93-4868-8B42-EF8F9B14FFFC}",_ "{87467DDA-0189-4730-A3A6-079429D1657B}",_ "{925E8226-FBED-43FD-BC8C-41207B999AF0}",_ "{951F94FD-DDBB-4A15-B8E7-1560D3D28900}",_ "{A6D5C59E-F97B-4665-B811-DC93635E05B0}",_ "{AD98F2ED-D92A-43AA-9F28-0466928AA13C}",_ "{AF2E0395-7695-41E8-AC23-D58C328126F7}",_ "{B61393AC-4E96-497B-8314-1F18B3FE9474}",_ "{B904F122-BACE-41BD-8BE0-1FFA8E8E3135}",_ "{BB3E5DFB-5EAD-4E2C-A0B5-71045C0784FF}",_ "{BC9FD7FB-5929-47F7-9B24-D9237B14F26E}",_ "{BE0B37FE-EF39-4B9C-A329-904616EE633C}",_ "{C2ECE9F2-CAB3-4EFE-B45B-2D08B2954AF5}",_ "{C8FE6530-2E39-4563-A7D8-183C7FA2B76A}",_ "{CBA13F11-D29E-48CC-9EBC-F122567F9119}",_ "{CD124C12-BEFD-4DBA-A915-A2F995F56B13}",_ "{D4CAD0A4-A14D-4F70-A8CB-475776C76CF8}",_ "{D6EA1689-AA4C-4CF6-862C-87D9877F3651}",_ "{D9CFF2FF-620F-4842-A075-8A0769816FA4}",_ "{E8542277-8C9D-4CC9-8D92-7C126EE7110E}",_ "{EC482C6E-8F7F-4187-BB4C-841E1B64022B}",_ "{EE1B5DDC-BE68-4F19-BEEE-7FFD4DD43BFD}",_ "{F594EA1A-5603-4B82-B624-BE1F807BC8E1}",_ "{FEAD3C72-1A18-4BAB-94FB-E508C31B2E79}"_ ) ' Thank Anthon for the long list of GUIDs :) ' We search each guid to see if it exist and what displayversion it is For Each GUID In GUIDArray objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, SubKey & GUID, ValueName, Value If Len(Value) > 2 Then WScript.Echo "ZenWorks GUID Found : " & GUID & " DisplayVersion = " & Value WshShell.Run "Taskkill.exe /f /im zenrem32.exe", 0, False ' Kill the ZenWorks mgt agent in case it hangs, so it wont block our uninstall, and we dont want to wait before continueing, so False. WshShell.Run "MsiExec.exe /x " & GUID & " REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn", 0, True ' I dont want the uninstall to reboot or show anything to the user... WScript.Echo "Checking if uninstalled." objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, SubKey & GUID, ValueName, Value2 If Value = Value2 Then WScript.Echo "UN-Successfull uninstall of ZenWorks Version: " & Value Else WScript.Echo "Successfull uninstall of ZenWorks Version: " & Value End If End If Next 'Cleanup Set objReg = Nothing Set WshShell = Nothing